Modern Languages

Please join the Team if you want to switch to or add a new language to your course-load AND you want to be assessed so you can be placed at the right level (beyond grade 9).
Students in grade 8 are free to sign up for ANY grade 9 language course without this assessment.
Students in grades 9-11 are welcome to sign up for a grade 9 language course but may want to consult the individual teacher in person.
Now that you know you are in the right place, fill out this form so we can find out more about your needs.
Please complete this form by Tuesday, February 1st.
Once the survey is completed, you will receive a notification about an "assignment". Click on the new assignment from this channel which will be created by the assessment teacher and it will tell you WHERE and WHEN to come in for the assessment.
French 08
Bonjour! This is an introductory level program. French language and culture will be explored through the following big ideas: reciprocal communication, stories and creative works that allow students to experience authentic Francophone cultures. All four areas of language learning will be included: speaking/responding, listening, writing and reading, with a focus on communicating in a meaningful context.
French 09
Salut! This course builds on the big ideas and skills established in French 8. Sophistication of language production will be increased through speaking and writing activities. Students will also develop their listening and reading comprehension skills, and explore different aspects of culture and language through music, films, and stories.
French 10
Bienvenue! This course builds on the big ideas and skills foundations established in French 9. Cooperative group work, communicative activities and oral/aural skill development are stressed. Students will develop their comprehension and production skills through a variety of themes, such as travel and art, and a novel study.
French 11
Coucou! This course builds on the big ideas and skills foundations established in French 10. Students will enhance their grammar, pronunciation, speaking as well as reading and listening comprehension skills through thematic and cultural topics as well as a novel study. Throughout units on job opportunities, media and travel, students will respond to various text types in longer complex sentences using advanced grammar concepts such as idioms.
NOTE: French Immersion students transferring to RSS in Grade 10 might consider taking an elective course rather than core French 11 due to suitability and timetabling issues.
French 12
Salutations! This course builds on the big ideas and skills foundations established in French 11. Students will enhance their grammar, pronunciation, speaking and listening and reading comprehension skills through thematic and cultural topics as well as a novel study. Throughout units on travel, environmental issues and Quebecois history, students will respond to various text types sharing opinions and perspectives. In class writing will include longer complex sentences using advanced grammar concepts such as idioms.
IB French (SL) 11 and IB French (SL) 12
Voulez-vous vivre à la française? Parler la langue d’amour?
Eh bien, voici le programme pour vous!
This is a two-year course that will follow the five core themes as prescribed by IB (Social organisation, Sharing the planet, Human ingenuity, Experiences and Identities). The course will cover a broad variety of topics such as cultural diversity, mental and physical health, education systems in Québec and France, social media and the environment. Instruction will be conducted in French, and students will be expected to speak French as much as possible. Exams will be conducted in the four areas of language learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing. This course is intended for students with good work habits and a strong academic standing in French 10, as it is quite accelerated. Please see the department head if you have questions or concerns regarding your placement in the program.
IB French (HL) 11 and IB French (HL) 12
This is a two-year course designed for students with extensive experience with the French language. It is for students who would like to extend their use of French in the future. This course is for students who have near-native abilities. French for daily use and for literary purposes will be studied. A novel will be issued for self-study during the year, and assessments will be facilitated and guided by the teacher. At the end of the two-year course, students will have two written exams, and both a listening and oral exam to complete their IB requirements. If you have not had additional French courses or have not taken French immersion in the past, this course is not recommended. Please see the department head prior to registering in HL. Merci!
This course is an introductory study of Japanese. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: read and write both hiragana, katakana, and some kanji; listen and understand basic native speech; and speak about family and personal experience. Students will explore and experience Japanese food, music, art and pop-culture through various class activities.
This course is intended to improve and expand students’ knowledge from Japanese 9. New grammar will be introduced to add sophistication to students’ writing. Oral skills will also be further developed. Culture will be explored through food, music, art and film.
This course builds on the big ideas and skills foundations established in Japanese 10. They will enhance their grammar, pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. Texts are often taken from various sources such as current internet news articles, poems, and songs.
This course builds on Japanese 11 and will enable students to develop an understanding of the values, customs, and other elements of Japanese culture. This course should also enable students to increase their ability to communicate effectively, and potentially to take advantage of vocational and leisure opportunities and/or meet post-secondary requirements.
This is a two-year course designed for high ability, highly motivated students who have good work habits and strong standing in Japanese 10. Sophistication in writing and speaking will be developed through more exposure to written and aural texts. At the end of the two-year course, students will have two written exams and both a speaking and listening exam to complete their IB requirements.
This is a two-year course designed for students with extensive experience with the Japanese language. It is for students who would like to extend their use of Japanese in the future. This course is for students who have near-native abilities. Japanese for daily use and for literary purposes will be studied. A novel will be issued for self-study during the year. At the end of the two-year course, students will have two written exams, and both a listening and speaking exam to complete their IB requirements.
All students are invited to learn and practice communicating in a language that is currently used by over 1 billion people in the world! Everyone, from all backgrounds, is welcome in the Mandarin program at Richmond Secondary School. If you have previous knowledge and/or education in Chinese and this will be your first time taking a Mandarin course at RSS, please consult a Mandarin teacher and your counsellor before course selection to be sure you select the appropriate course - this is important.
This is an introductory course of Mandarin Chinese, designed for students who are beginning learners of the language. Students who read/write little to no Chinese characters or who speak another Chinese variety at home may also take this course. The core skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and interacting in Mandarin Chinese will be developed, with a focus on communication in meaningful, practical contexts. In addition, language learning strategies will be facilitated. Furthermore, students will explore and experience Chinese culture through food, films, music, stories, art, and other creative works. Topics may include greetings, family members, countries, and jobs.
This course builds on the big ideas and skills established in Mandarin 9. The study of language will be intertwined with culture, through thematic units, such as clothing, weather and vacation, hobbies, and school. Traditional Chinese culture and pop culture will be explored. The emphasis will be on acquiring the language for everyday purposes.
This course builds on the big ideas and skills established in Mandarin 10. Language skills will be honed through thematic and cultural topics, such as body and health, cuisine, consumerism, and residence. Students will discover and convey meaning through a variety of text types, including multimedia.
This course builds on the big ideas and skills established in Mandarin 11. Language skills will be refined through the exploration of thematic and cultural topics, such as customs and traditions, travel, household, and community. Students will write a range of text types and conduct presentations, for diverse audiences. Students will identify educational and personal/professional opportunities requiring proficiency in Mandarin.
This is a two-year course that follows the themes in the International Baccalaureate curriculum, designed for students who have a very strong proficiency in Mandarin, with an interest in Chinese literature. Language skills will be refined through the immersion in, and appreciation of a variety of aural and written formats, including literary texts. In grade 12, students are expected to complete IB speaking, listening, reading, and written exams.
This is a two-year course that follows the themes in the International Baccalaureate curriculum, designed for students with good work habits who are committed to honing their Mandarin Chinese skills. Language skills will be extended through the comprehension and application of a variety of aural and written formats. In grade 12, students are expected to complete IB speaking, listening, reading, and written exams.
¡Hola! This course is designed for novice learners. Spoken by 437 million people worldwide, Spanish is rated as one of the most in-demand languages. Classes provide engaging situations, lots of practice, and feedback. Learn basic grammatical structures, pronunciation, expressions and vocabulary that allow you to function in familiar settings. Students explore today's Hispanic world through art, media and customs. Heritage learners are encouraged to take a placement test.
¡Bienvenidos! This course builds on the big ideas and skills foundations established in Spanish 9. Students continue to develop their fluency through general topics. Writing, reading, oral skills, vocabulary and expressions will be further developed in order to communicate in everyday situations involving travel, food, shopping, and family. Students continue their journey of discovery through Spain's history, as well as Latin American Indigenous civilizations.
¡Saludos cordiales! This course builds on the big ideas and skills foundations established in Spanish 10. Students continue developing their fluency on general topics; and improving their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The emphasis is on improving conversational fluency by acquiring more complex grammatical structures and sentence formation.
¿Cómo la estás pasando? This course builds on the big ideas and skills foundations established in Spanish 11. Students explore topics such as experiences, identities, environment, and culture through stories. Students will enhance their listening and comprehension by watching programs and reading short novels. Students demonstrate their level of fluency by doing multiple activities throughout the course.
IB SPANISH (HL) 11 and IB SPANISH (HL) 12 - NOT OFFERED 2025-2026
This is a two-year course designed for near-native, highly motivated students who have good work habits and strong standing in Spanish 10. It is for students who would like to extend their use of Spanish in the future. ¿Te fascina el español? Pues, ¡Esta clase es para ti. Aquí solamente se habla castellano! There is a major literature component that includes short stories and a novel study. At the end of the two-year course, students will have two written exams, and both a listening and speaking exam to complete their IB requirements.
This is a two-year course designed for high ability, highly motivated students who have good work habits and strong standing in Spanish 10. ¿Te fascina el español? Pues, ¡Esta clase es para ti. Aquí únicamente se habla castellano! Sophistication in writing and speaking will be developed through more exposure to written and aural texts. At the end of the two-year course, students will have two written exams and both a speaking and listening exam to complete their IB requirements.