Student Service Hours

We encourage all RHS students to be well rounded and get involved in at least one positive club, team, activity or event at Richmond Secondary School outside of the classroom. These kinds of activities help you learn more about yourself and others, allow you time to have fun and provide wonderful opportunities to meet people and make new friends. Getting involved and helping others also feels good and make our school and our community better. Volunteer hours are also very beneficial for strengthening student's post-secondary, scholarship and job applications. (Please note, volunteer service in the greater community and/or church, etc., are also worthwhile, but recognized separately from RHS school service).
Service hours are contributed by RHS students who volunteer their time to the school because the intended outcome will make our school a better place for others and are not part of a course requirement. Hours spent on Student Council, Grad Committee, Colt Ambassadors, leading or participating in a volunteer service club, managing a Colts team, working backstage in the theatre, serving as a student-leader at Grade 8 Camp, on a Student Focus Group or helping to organize special events, fundraising or campaigns to raise awareness and funds for others are just a few examples of service to RHS. Each school year, students who contribute 30 or more hours will be recognized with a "Service Award" while students who contribute 90 or more hours will receive a "Major Service Award" at the awards grade assemblies in June. Please note, students will self-report their service hours, but all service hours need to be confirmed by a teacher or staff sponsor and cannot be for course credit or pay.
Service hour forms should not be submitted any earlier than 1 month before the submission deadline. In the meantime, please track your hours using the sample form found in your MS Teams grade group team.
A separate Grade 12 Service Hours online form is due on Friday, April 12, 2024. CLICK HERE for details.
The Grades 8-11 online form is due by 3:30 PM on Thursday, May 16, 2024 - please use this link: