IB Diploma Programme

Welcome to I.B.! The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a challenging, balanced and comprehensive program of studies for students in Grades 11 and 12 that is recognized by universities all over the world for producing very thoughtful, capable learners and thinkers. Richmond Secondary School is the only school in Richmond certified to offer the I.B. Diploma program, but it is open to all Grades 11 and 12 students in Richmond and outside of Richmond. This I.B. Diploma includes a full program of studies in six academic areas over two years, including Mathematics, Sciences, Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies and the Arts. Students must also complete the I.B. core, including Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay, an orginal, major research essay, and creative, activity and service activities (CAS). At RHS, we sincerely believe that any student who is a curious, capable and open-minded learner and a dedicated, thoughtful and resilient person can achieve an I.B. Diploma.
For more information about the I.B. Diploma, talk to your school counsellor, explore the RHS I.B. website, investigate online and contact the I.B. Coordinator at Richmond Secondary School.
Mr. Dave Miller 604-668-6400 (ext 1312) Email: dmiller@sd38.bc.ca
Note - Richmond area students who want to transfer to RHS for the I.B. Diploma Programme do not need to complete a District Transfer Form. Students from outside of Richmond hoping to transfer to RHS for the I.B. Diploma Programme must submit an Out-of-District Transfer Form (SA-73) available at the School Board Office or any Richmond School.