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Learning Services




Learning Support Services (LSS) is a support block for students in Grade 8-12 and is designed to help students who are experiencing difficulty in one or more academic areas and could benefit from targeted support. Students are taught to self-monitor their learning and to recognize and develop strategies to become more proficient in specific subject areas. The goal of this course is to help students develop into independent and confident learners who are aware of their strengths and areas for growth. Students will receive help understanding how they learn best and work on their academic and organizational skills. They will be introduced to a variety of learning strategies, including time management, goal setting, study skills, note taking, test taking, memory enhancement, communication (reading and writing) and numeracy skills. Students will reflect on their growth in the Core Competencies and be assessed based on their engagement, participation, attendance, punctuality, organization, listening skills and work habits. Students can be referred for Learning Support Services by their previous school, teachers or a counsellor.