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Grade 8s in September 2023

We always look forward to meeting and welcoming current Grade 7s to our school - the RHS Grad Class of 2028! We understand that the transition from elementary school to high school can be an exciting and anxious time for students and families and we are dedicated to making this change as welcoming and successful as possible for our future students.  We hosted a Grade 7 Parent Information Night on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM.  Our annual Grade 7 Welcome Day will be held on Friday, May 5.  Each of our incoming students will will receive our 17-page "Welcome to Grade 8" information booklet and our Grade 8 Mini-Camp 2023 Registration Form. 

We will host our 8th annual Grade 8 Mini-Camp in September. RHS staff and Grades 11-12 student-leaders are organizing another great, safe and fun event to welcome Grade 8s (the RHS Grad Class of 2028).  All parents are urged to complete the registration form and cheque for $50 and submit it to the school office by June 9, 2023.

If parents have any questions about Grade 8, about Grade 8 Camp or about RHS in general, please contact our principal Ms. Kwon.