Health Reminders
September 2022
There is an expectation for everyone entering our building to perform a general health check before coming to school each day. While there is no longer a required list of symptoms to consider, if you are sick and unable to participate fully in routine activities, do NOT come to school. This applies to students, staff, families, and visitors.
Basic measures for protecting members of our community include: staying up to date with vaccines, practicing health awareness, and staying home when sick. Other good practices include washing/sanitizing of hands and good respiratory hygiene (see attachments).
Mask wearing is a personal choice and respected for those who choose to use this added prevention measure. At RSS we have continued with the following practices to support healthy and supportive spaces for our community:
- Hand Sanitizer stations are found at all the entrances to the school.
- Disinfectant solution and wipes are available in all learning spaces.
- Classrooms continue to be open and available to students during lunch.
- To avoid large groups, students are encouraged to enter/exit the school closest to their classroom and to use exterior pathways to get to their classes.
Thank you for your co-operation and for doing your part in keeping our community safe.